jody commented on issue 333/333#6 2023-12-11 17:15:11 -05:00
research if it can be used w/Home Assistant

should be able to use this integration:

jody closed issue 333/333#6 2023-12-11 17:15:11 -05:00
research if it can be used w/Home Assistant
jody commented on issue alyt/alyt#1 2023-11-29 13:51:58 -05:00
test jeff's new mic

it sent me a notification in the website UI, which is nice, but not that helpful. oddly enough, i just finished the setup for outgoing email. hopefully, this comment will result in some email…

jody closed issue alyt/alyt#4 2023-11-16 14:10:55 -05:00
create show notes wiki page
jody opened issue alyt/alyt#4 2023-11-13 18:10:53 -05:00
create show notes wiki page
jody opened issue alyt/alyt#3 2023-11-13 18:09:20 -05:00
does jody have a mic?
jody opened issue alyt/alyt#2 2023-11-13 18:09:10 -05:00
does matt have a mic?
jody opened issue alyt/alyt#1 2023-11-13 18:08:46 -05:00
test jeff's new mic
jody created repository alyt/alyt 2023-11-13 12:55:59 -05:00
jody opened issue 333/333#14 2023-10-16 19:51:38 -04:00
add secure ssid, portcullis
jody closed issue 333/333#12 2023-10-16 19:50:19 -04:00
turn on multi-SSID mode & other settings
jody commented on issue 333/333#13 2023-10-16 11:38:37 -04:00
bid on auction items

...and we won the red iron-bull!

jody closed issue 333/333#13 2023-10-16 11:38:37 -04:00
bid on auction items
jody commented on issue 333/333#13 2023-10-13 14:26:58 -04:00
bid on auction items

end times and max bids:

  • 11am, iron bulls:

    • red w/li-ion battery upgrade, $5,600 (already bid)
    • green, ~$6,000
    • blue, ~$6,000
  • 12:11pm:

    • blue EZGO w/lift, ~$


jody opened issue 333/333#13 2023-10-13 14:01:36 -04:00
bid on auction items
jody closed issue 333/333#8 2023-10-13 14:00:21 -04:00
visit Tampa Machine Auction
jody commented on issue 333/333#12 2023-10-12 12:05:33 -04:00
turn on multi-SSID mode & other settings
  • change pw to what's visible out the window
  • add secure ssid, portcullis
jody commented on issue 333/333#12 2023-10-12 12:03:58 -04:00
turn on multi-SSID mode & other settings
  • enaable multi-ssid mode, reboot
  • choose new name...nibbler, set pw
jody opened issue 333/333#12 2023-10-12 12:00:29 -04:00
turn on multi-SSID mode & other settings